Friday, February 7, 2020

Example #1234 On Why Marks Need To Be Better Prepared When They try And Call Me Out

So I did this story showing once again how the 'silliness', Don Callis swore hew was gonna get rid of when he took over as booker for Impact Wrestling, is still going strong thanks to, Don Callis.. I showed where made claims and how with Rosemary 'resurrecting' Su Yung, that Callis can't get rid of the silliness he swore he would get rid of, because he's NOW, the one creating the silliness.

Here's the link to that story..

Of course when i posted a link to that story in many places, I just knew somewhere, some 'mark' (in this case, two 'marks') were gonna try their luck on me.. As you'll see by the pic.. They tried, and they lost, pretty quickly.

as you can see i fired back and instantly put both of then in their place.. They were instantly checked.. :)

And neither one of them has said a word since I checked them.. Imagine that...

Someday the 'marks' will actually be better prepared when they try their luck against me.. I keep saying 'at least make it a challenge' or' at least give me something credible as your argument'.

As you just saw, the above 'marks', just, weren't capable.. 

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