Monday, January 6, 2020

Latest Example Of Why Engaging With Marks Today Is Useless.. They're Just This Dumb & Lazy

I've cut down on engaging or talking with a lot of today's marks because they usually come off being lazy, and when you tel them (especially if they're already ON the YouTube site) to do the footwork and see for themselves, they wind up calling ME lazy. They, like this idiot I'm about to show you, actually thinks he's important enough that I should just hand things to him.. Instead he keeps riding on the fact I'm allegedly lazy when in fact I told him to do the footwork. He's right there, why can't he do it himself? Cause he's a lazy mark, that's why..

So he instead falls for the oldest trick in the book of making him self look even more dumb by replying to me constantly trying to milk his lame little argument. If he spent half as much time replying to me and looking like a dipshit doing the footwork, he'd get smartened up. Maybe he's just that stupid he knows he just CAN'T be smartened up. So this is all he thinks he has to make himself look "big and tough" when in fact he just makes himself look like a dumb fuck.

Least marks back in the day were alittle smarter than the ones around now. Here's the latest example why I don't engage with marks, they always react the same way and are always seemingly too lazy to do anything, but reply to me.

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