Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Example #1203 On How Marks Are Still, So Dumb. And Really Need A Clue Or Two

This is part of a discussion I made the mistake of engaging in.. Marks in this group really think they know it all, when in fact they got proven, they don't really know much, at all.

In fact, the notifications for this thread are still turned off, they tag me and nothing happens, which goes to show, I prove the marks wrong yet, again. Someone I know in the group messaged me to tell me about the 'earth shattering' warning I received.. The fact someone had to message me about it shows that what they said about tagging me and notifications get automatically turned on? Was nothing but bullshit on their part. Proving they don't really know shit, like I do.. Which really, isn't anything new knowing what level of dipshit I have to deal with on a weekly basis in a lot of these groups.

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