Monday, December 9, 2019

MLW Fusion Episode 87: CONTRA Unit vs. Hart Foundation

Matches: •Hart Foundation vs. CONTRA Unit •Battle Royal •Swamp Fight: Savio Vega vs. “Outlaw” Leo Brien WHY TOM WHY??? “Filthy” Tom Lawlor will speak about his shocking actions last week during the closing moments of the World Heavyweight Championship title bout… and his candid feelings on Ross and Marshall Von Erich. The road to the Opera Cup heats up as the Hart Foundation take on CONTRA Unit in the main event. Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman promise retribution but will the global dealers in violence continue their path of destruction in MLW? Tune in to find out! A big invitational battle royal will see some of MLW’s heavy hitters rumble for supremacy. Featuring Timothy Thatcher, entrants from American Top Team, super heavyweight Barrington Hughes, the debut of the giant known as Grogan, Savio Vega, Injustice and countless others! The Bruja is back as Salina de la Renta speaks in an exclusive interview with Alicia Atout. What does the Puerto Rican powerbroker have to say? Mance Warner and Jimmy Havoc clash! Tis the season for… a SWAMP FIGHT?!!! In the first-ever Swamp Fight, Savio Vega rumbles with “Outlaw” Leo Brien!

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