Wednesday, December 11, 2019


It was announced this afternoon that an International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame has been formed and approved by the New York State Board of Regents with plans for a physical location and annual Hall of Fame ceremony and more to be announced.

Tony Vellano, who previously oversaw the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame when it was headquarted in Amsterdam, NY., will be the Vice President of the new organization.  After Vellano retired from heading that non-profit institution, it was moved to Wichita Falls, Texas, where it is overseen by Johnny Mantel.  

Tony Spencer has been named the President of the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame. He and Vellano spoke with Greg Oliver of Slam! Wrestling regarding the new Hall of Fame here.

"We want to really highlight the international aspect," Turner told Oliver.  "These things need to get highlighted and I think we also need to embrace the diversity which has really been around professional wrestling for a long time, regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, you're welcome in that community, and I think we want to have a Hall of Fame that really promotes that," said Turner.

The official Announcement issued today reads:.

On December 10, 2019, the New York State Board of Regents approved the provisional charter for the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Included in the charter for the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame is the mission statement which reads:
“The International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame is a not for profit entity formed to preserve and honor the history of professional wrestling from around the world. …Special attention will be given to ensure the contributions to professional wrestling by individuals from various backgrounds and diverse cultures will be highlighted in the establishment.”
“This is an incredible day! The Empire State is going to be home for the IPWHF. The board of directors need to be commended for their work in accomplishing this milestone,” said Tony Vellano. Tony had first instituted a hall of fame designated for professional wrestling in upstate New York in 1999. Eventually that institution was moved to Texas after operating in New York for 16 years.

“I knew we needed to bring the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame to the Northeast,” said Seth Turner, President of the IPWHF. “In July 2019, I met with Tony Vellano to learn about his experience and it inspired me to engage in trying to open a hall of fame. We have a great deal of work to do, but we also have a committed group of professionals who have the ability to make the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame a first-class institution.”

With the goal of having a first-class institution in mind, the Board of Trustees of the International Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame is now proceeding by building their website and social media platforms, planning fundraising, and negotiating with local governments who have expressed interest in hosting the establishment. The plan is to have a building secured, renovated, and ready to open in the next twelve months.

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