Tuesday, November 19, 2019

When Someone Like Me Has To Put "Marks" on FB In Their Place, Again (Updated 12:00am)

So I posted a link to this story I posted about Tony Khan getting punked by Randy Orton ( https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/11/aew-owner-tony-khan-gets-punked-and_19.html ) in a FB group called "Wrestling On Facebook LIVE!" And boy did the AEW fanboys and marks come out, LOL.. Which again shows why when I have to deal with the lower common denominator of I.Q. that a lot of these current era marks have.. I always wind up putting them in their place. Not that they make it any challenge mind you because you give them facts and even gived em stuff to back up the facts and they still, don't have the mental capacity to 'get it'. So it becomes very easy to put em in check.

This is the kind of moron that is our current era wrestling fan.. And another reason why I hate to engage with clowns like this, because I wind up having to show them they're not as 'smart' as they'd like to think they are..

And from the looks of it, these kind of 'marks' aren't.. Gonna get any smarter, any time soon.

And not more than 30 seconds ago, the guy I said was a jackass and said let's see how much of a jack ass you are by replying again? proved how much of a jack ass he is by? You guessed it.. Replying... GOD they're so fucking dumb, LOL.

He just can't hlp himself now, LOL. Once he shows he's a dumb ass.. He has to continue to keep showing he is a dumb ass, LMAO!

It never becomes a challenge, just ssooo so easy to check em with no effort at all.

10:05 pm.. And yes, the dumb show that they are indeed, predictable Damns this is soo easy. Marks these days are indeed predictable as a rerun I swear. 

Update: 12:00 am

The idiot Patrick James who swore he wasn't gonna debate  anymore (and kept on anyway which shows what an idiot he is) STILL can't accept getting checked, SSOO. now in FB messenger I have to, do what again? You got it.. Put his dumb ass in check. So here it is, took me 30 seconds and didn't break a sweat typing it it was just that easy, to put his weak ass to bed, again.

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