Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Request A Release From A Job You Don't Like.. Request Gets Denied, Welcome To WWE

 How nice of the WWE to force a guy to stay in a place he doesn't want to be in and be ina  company that won't use him correctly.. 
Sin Cara took to Twitter this afternoon to announce that he has requested his release from WWE.
It looks like Cara will remain under contract to WWE as word going around today is that WWE officials will not be granting the release request, So he's stuck at a job he doesn't like in a company he doesn't want to be a part of anymore.
Furthermore, Cara was scheduled to go on to WWE TV at the end of the current European tour, but now plans have changed and he will be going home instead of going on to next Monday's RAW in Boston, Massachusetts.
And THIS.. Is what happens when you actually get the balls to ask to be released from a company that knowingly isn't using you correctly.Cara is working the current WWE European tour, losing singles matches to Andrade.He's getting jobbed out, further proving that WWE has no clue how to promote a guy right and when the guy they're 'creatively challenged' to push correctly asked to leave, because of that reason? They job him out as their response.. And wrestlers actually WANT to work for a place like this? Think that THIS is the ultimate place to be at? Um, think again cause they're showing by their actions.. They're not.
It was also reported today that the masked Superstar reportedly has 3 years left on his current WWE contract. Word going around is that Cara is interested in working for the Combate Americas MMA promotion, who also employs several pro wrestlers, including his good friend Alberto El Patron.
God forbid they let a guy go that they can't use right so he can get success elsewhere, LOL Yep.. Welcome to the weird world of the WWE/

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