Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Content 'Only Available Exclusively To Subscribers'? Um Wrong Again PWInsider

Yes, once again the 'geniuses' over at PWInsider didn't do any real research and have now, thanks to me once again.. Look very stupid with their false claim of this certain content only being available 'exclusively' to their subscribers.

They're so fucking dumb, HAD THEY, actually did alittle research? They would've found out that this content was posted onto YouTube.. YESTERDAY!! And yet, PWInsider is making their false claim about this exclusive only to their VIP membership, TODAY..

Yes, you can say "DDUUHH, Dipshits" to them, anytime you'd like. But since proof is a mother fucker and I am, the mother fucker who always supplies the proof? Here's the proof on what dumb mother fuckers Mike Johnson and PWInsider really are. Dumb, or lazy or both.. You decide.

Here's their latest false claim..

Yeah, they'd like you to THINK it's only available exclusively if you're a paying VIP member.. BBUUTTT, lookie lookie at what's over on Youtube.. (smiles)

The very thing they claimed falsely that is only 'available exclusively' to members of PWInsiderElite.com, bwahahahahahahahhahahaha!!!

If you ever wanted a case of blatant and obvious false advertising, I just gave it to you..

And here, since you don't.. have to be a paid member of PWInsider's ahem (cough cough) 'elite' service, here's the link to the very thing they falsely claim is only exclusive if you're dumb enough to pay for a lot of content you can get for free elsewhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-E1V9w80Tk

I swear, they must enjoy looking like idiots.. And as long as they want to keep looking stupid with these false claims? I'll be more than happy to continue showing, how stupid they are, every time they make these stupid yet false claims.

But go ahead and click the link I supplied, because contrary to their bullshit claim, it's NOT, as exclusive to their subscibers as they'd lead you to believe. And you can thank me again, for showing you this fact... You're welcome. :)

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