Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What Happens When I Put A "Mark" In His Place On Twitter & He Can't Handle Being Checked

I'm always amused at this era's or Generation's "marks'. They just seem to get dumber and dumber.. And what happens when i have to check their ass, and oput them in their place?

WWEELLL. (Laughs out loud)..

I'll let the screen shots tell the story.. Was too easy to put his ass in check, and then you'll see the usual bitch move most 'marks' do, when they get put in their place so easily.

Owned, punked and checked... Game, set match, and then he blocks like a bitch.. The typical bitch up when one gets put in check by me.. Guess his ego couldn't handle the fact he was put in his place so easily, LMAO..

Some day these 'marks' will learn... Someday, LMAO!

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