Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The "Silliness" That Don Callis Swore He Would Get Rid Of In Impact Wrestling? Is STILL There..

Yep.. You're seeing it.. The latest example of the 'silliness' that's STILL, plaguing Impact Wrestling.. The SAME 'silliness' that Don Callis claimed more than once when he took over as booker, that he was going to get rid of.

And, as I've been doing ever since he's made these claims that he has yet to back up.. I'm calling him out yet again, asking.. How is it you're going to get rid of the silliness when YOU, are now the one writing and booking the silliness?

How ironic that every time I call him out or ask him that, he never seems to have an answer... HHMMMM.

So now we have this bullshit.. First we had Allie going from "Allie" to 'Dark Allie" (rolls eyes). NOW.. We have this stupid shit..

"- On tonight's show, footage was shown of Jessicka Havok attempting to hang Su Yung after their brutal No DQ match that Havok won. Yung was taken to a hospital, but doctors initially couldn't revive her. Yung would suddenly wake up in the hospital. She then showed up backstage at Impact as "Suzie," talking to others, wearing all white, and less of her usual horrifying makeup. 

Here's a link if you really want to torture yourself watching this crap.

Yep, yessirree, hard to get rid of the 'silliness' when you're the one now writing and booking it.. Nice to see that Callis can't back up his claim if his life depended on it.

And people wonder why Impact sucks ass so much? Here's a great example..

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