Monday, October 14, 2019

Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling- PPW High Voltage - Episode 102

PPW Nation! Are you ready for another jaw-dropping episode of High Voltage? First up, we have the debuting El Fenomeno Tormenta taking on Undeniable ring veteran, Andy Header. While the Dominican luchador has had many a victory in the Carribean, he has never had to face someone with the mix of experience and underhandedness of Header. Will Header be able to keep this high-flyer grounded, or will he get caught up in El Fenomeno Tortmenta? Then, a match for the ages, as “The Man You Can Trust,” Evander James, defends his PPW World Heavyweight Championship against arguably his greatest competition yet: Austin Aries. Studying the tapes won’t help Evander much this time, as Aries has learned some new tricks, and the man he learned them from, former UFC Heavyweight Champion Frank Mir, will be in his corner. Don’t count Evander out yet, however, as he has overcome impressive opponents in the past, and is sure to get a boost from the support of his fans in the PPW Nation. Will Austin Aries add the PPW World Heavyweight Championship to his impressive list of accolades, or will Evander James add yet another title defense to an outstanding run with the gold? Either way you slice it, this will no doubt be one that the fans will remember for a very long time.

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