Friday, October 11, 2019

PCW Ultra MUTINY (Ep. 13)

This week on PCW Ultra MUTINY, it's a triple header of action as Lio Rush takes on Douglas James in his PCW Ultra farewell match, Daga faces ACH in a light heavyweight showdown and Penta el Zero M defends the Ultra Championship against PJ Black in a classic match from PCW Ultra Possessed. You'll hear exclusive comments from Outlawz Inc. (Eddie Kingston and Homicide) from No Quarter. We'll also hear from Daga and Hammerstone ahead of their matches at Into The Void. Finally, we take a look at the simmering rivalry between Douglas James and Brian Pillman Jr.

Featured this week: PCW UltraLight Championship: Douglas James(C) vs. Lio Rush PCW Ultra Championship: Penta el Zero M (C) vs. PJ Black Daga vs. ACH

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