Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Content Only "Available Exclusively" To PWInsider's VIP Service? Yeah Right, Wanna Bet?

Once again the people over at PWInsider make a claim that isn't true, and that is absolute bullshit.

Here's their claim.

BUT.. Lookie lookie.. Lookie at what can easily be found, where? You guessed it. Over on YouTube.

Yeah, sure looks real "Exclusive' to me, ROFLMAO!

So for the people who aren't dumb enough to pay for a service so you can watch things you can see for free elsewhere.. Here's the link where you can see this so called, ahem.. 'cough cough' EXCLUSIVE CONTENT (LOL)


You'd think PWInsider would learn by now, as many times as I can bust them (and other sites) for making these bullshit claims.. But.. As you can see, they never really do learn, do they. You can thank me now.

You're welcome.

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