Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Content "Available Exclusively To Subscribers" That's Available For Free Elsewhere? LMAO! (Updated)

Apparently PWInsider STILL hasn't learned this lesson, especially when I showed yesterday, JUST YESTERDAY, how content isn't as 'exclusively available' to subscribers as they think. Especially when if one does the foot work you can get it free elsewhere.

Here's the story I did yesterday on PWInsider's bullshit claim. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/09/complete-court-bauer-mlw-media-call.html And now, little over 24 hours later? I get to do this again.

You'd think they'd learn by now, but NNNOOO, LOL. As easy as it is to bust "Hidden Gems" so 'hidden' they're on YouTube, this, is just as easy.. And you'd THINK.. The people at PWInsider would be smart enough to know this stuff... Apparently, they're not.

So today's killing of their claim is... This..

If you listen to them, you have to be a subscriber to their VIP Service (aka PAY ) to hear this media call. BUT.. You don't, because LOOK where it is readily available for free, without having to PAY, to subscribe to anything..

Right here over at WrestlingInc, ther eit is.. Click on their embedded player and,  there you go..

But of course here's an even SIMPLER way that's free as well. One PWInsider I guess never even considered.

DDAAMMNN, for free right on YouTube? Without having to pay to subscribe to anything? DDAAMMNN. How embarrassing is that?

Here, I'll even give you the link to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_NBoMH9NLU

By all means let Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson over at PWInsider know about this.. I would but because I've put both of them in check before with actual knowledge and proving them wrong on things, they have me blocked.. So if you wanna go ahead and let them know they've been put in their place, again.. By all means, do so.

It comes down to, why pay for their VIP subscription to hear stuff like this when, it's available for free? Anyone who does that is an idiot and apparently PWInsider prove they're still idiots by trying this bullshit.

You can go ahead and thank me for shooting holes thru the bullshit.. Clowns like this, make it way too easy. :)

Update- 10/1/19 &;30 PM

AAAAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA this gets even better and shows really, how fucking dumb PWInsider really is. LOOK, yet ANOTHER PLACE where you can hear the media call WITHOUT having to be a subscriber to PWInsider's dumb ass VIP service.

The many ways they (PWInsider) keep getting punked, is amazing, LOL!

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