Thursday, October 31, 2019

Another 'Mark' Has To be Put In Check (Must Be That Time Of The Season Again)

As I said yesterday when I put a different 'mark' in his place. That story is right below..

 They never learn and they always, ALWAYS REACT the same way, when they get checked, and put in their place by me.. It's always so typical and predictable, yet still, always fucking amusing. (Smiles).

This idiot I put in check about 90 seconds ago was in the very same topic/conversation/discussion that the dumb ass from yesterday I checked, was in. So two different dipshits, same conversation, and the same result when i had to put them in their place.. Like I said 'marks' always react the same way when they get punked by me with facts. The proof is in the pics so let me go ahead and show you, the pics.

As you can see I called him out and he gave the very typical, usual and very very predictable cop out excuses. And when I even said that? He did what 'marks' always do, keep coming with the cop outs and the excuses. But then he tried to call me out on the fact I have 42 followers on Twitter.. Not thinking I have other platforms i plug my blog on and post wrestling stuff on.. SSOO.. I gave him a shot of what my viewership for my blog as of yesterday was, just for, yesterday..

And guess what.. Yep, you guessed it.. The typical reaction to being punked in public and him being out in his place came.. Like I knew it would because I took all his arguing points away with the shot of my viewership.. It ended his story, right then and there.

I went to go look at the notifications so i could try and put more of the exchange into lesser screen shots, and this.. is what came up.

AAAHHAHAHAHHAA!!! After he got put in check by me, he deleted the whole thing..  And THEN, after he deleted it? Came this...

The ever so usual bitch up, when you get punked and put in your place by actual facts you can't argue with. (smiles).

Another one bites bites the dust thanks to actual facts by someone who has the knowledge to put ASSumptions down for a dirt nap. 

As i always keep saying, some day, the 'marks' won't make it this easy for me too put them in check.. Someday.. But someday, won't be today, LMAO! 

Nice to know 'marks' are still as predictable stupid, as ever. And you can thank me for pointing that out, two days in a row.. No effort what so ever to check these clowns, they make it too easy, every time. :)

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