Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Yours Truly Puts The People At "Keepin It' 100" In Their Place (They, Got Checked. :) ) (Updated- 9-25-19 @ 6:10am)

So I listen to a segment of "Keep it 100" that they posted on YouTube.. It had Don Callis on it.

After listening to it, i made a reply about how Callis had said on his own podcast that HE, was 'going to get rid of the silliness that has plagued Impact for years". I've brought this up several times since he made that claim that, how can he 'get rid of the silliness' if he's now THE ONE writing and booking the silliness, and how he never seems to have an answer to that.. 

As you'll see by the shots here, the replies they and someone made, and mine afterwards easily put them in their place.. 

I always love how dumb asses say 'nobody wants to go to your blog" and then I go and show them proof like this.. That's checks their asses with ease..

Yeah, that's a 'whole lot' of nobody, dipshits.. This is just from today so far, and the more they reply, the more people will click the links I posted as replies on YouTube.. I love how these dumb fucks are always so stupid to say that "Nobody wants to look at your blog" BS which in turn ALWAYS, has people come look at it.. Idiots like these always fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book, every time.. 

This is what happens when I 'keep it 100' and put "Keep it 100" in  check, with no effort whatsoever. :) Boom.

Update- 9-24-19 7:30 PM.

I love how marks now, when they get proven wrong? Try and play it off with a lame cop out that just makes then look even more stupid. So typical of today's 'mark' to do this, they ALWAYS try this, and make Themselves look worse, every time.

Guess he forgot what he said a few replies above the current one, that re-puts him, in check, once again. Damn this gets so easy, some day these kind of dumb 'marks' will actually make it a challenge. Someday.. Today obviously, won't be that day, LMAO!

9-25-19 @ 6:10 am)

This is the latest reply after this story has come out. 'Someone" (probably Glen aka "Disco" hiding like a bitch behind the "Keepin It 100" YouTube account thinks they got themselves over by calling me a 'mark". 

If that's the best attempt at an insult this guy can come up with, then he better go to insult school, and also grow a set and reply without hiding behind the "Keepin' It 100" Account name. Only a bitch has to do that. Boom, checked again,. 

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