Saturday, September 7, 2019

Well What Do You Know.. This Weeks "Hidden Gems" Were 'Deliberately Removed' From The WWE Network

Well Well...WELL.. It looks like my story this week on WWE'S latest Hidden Gems being on YouTube has hit a nerve.. A big nerve because without any explanation they've been 'suddenly removed', from the network. Makes you go, HHMMM.

Here's the story right here. that featured this wonderful shot of Paul Jordan at PWInsider reporting that WWE Network News reported the Hidden Gems..

And here it is, proof in itself that they were removed. The very guy who first reported it, Paul Jordan..

AND.. The announcement fvrom WWE Network News as well.

You can't say I don't 'give credit' for things (smiles)..

I also know for a fact that my story about these latest 'cough cough' hidden gems, and the fact i proved one of them is on YouTube as we speak, went all over the place as a few readers of this blog went ahead and showed WWE Network news, Meltzer, Scherer, and I even saw posts on Twitter on WWE's own accounts as well as Vince McMahon's and Triple H's accounts with links to my story..

So it's pretty easy to see why they were 'deliberately removed' without explanation..

Truth hurt.. And when I speak the truth that no other writer wants to step up and do, it stings, alot...

Nice to know that finally, WWE is paying attention to what's becoming a very popular topic with thios blog.. Hidden Gems that are on Youtube has become a favorite of readers and I plan on continuing to do this topic as it comes up.

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