Sunday, September 8, 2019

RevPro Wrestling Controversy At last Week's Show.

There was a big controversy in last week's RevPro Wrestling show at York Hall.  During Aussie Open vs. Josh Bodom & Sha Samuels, referee Aaren Wilde evidently ended the match early, saying a few days later that a post-match attack on him was a shoot. He said he was slammed by Samuels and the rest was a blur. RevPro released a statement on Sunday that they had not heard from Wilde during the week nor knew any of the allegations before he went on Twitter to discuss it. They did not respond until Sunday because they said they were gathering all the facts. After speaking to everyone, they said Samuels made a horrible error of judgment but did his best to protect the referee.  They said they are confident he knows what he did wrong and under no circumstances is he allowed to touch a non-wrestler without consent. He will be disciplined and they will have a zero tolerance policy regarding any future incidents. "However, we are confident, given his track record, he will respond to this in the most positive manner possible."
Regarding Bodom, RevPro said his actions did not match his recollection of events and they have no option but to cut ties with him.  They said they hope Bodom will be able to learn and grow from this. The two have been stripped of their British tag team titles immediately. They said that not being aware of this for several days made them realize there is an issue and they have to change that, adding they will be instituting an internal incident report policy specific to performers. A simple form can be filled out and emailed to management if there are any concerns or any official complaints, something they feel will be better in dealing with these types of things in a more timely fashion. The company also said they are publicly apologizing to Wilde and said that if he can't referee going forward, they hope to continue to work with him in other areas of business if he wants to keep working with them.

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