Friday, September 6, 2019

McMahon Tells His 'Creatively Challenged' Creative Dept. "To Be Creative", LMAO!

 Kinda hard to do when you have a writer falling asleep in the writing room, LMAO! That there tells you how 'creative' the creative there really wants to be. :)

Vince McMahon and the WWE writers held a RAW creative meeting that went most of today and Vince was "on everybody to be creative", according to Bryan Alvarez of Wrestling Observer Live. We're not sure if these are regular remarks from Vince, but it sounds like the WWE Chairman wanted everyone to really turn up the creativity for Monday's show from Madison Square Garden, which is the Clash of Champions go-home episode.

What's the point of them actually waking from their slumber and actually DOING THAT, if McMahon is just gonna shit on their ideas and rewrite everything at the last minute, as he's known to do? 

Guess this wasn't too well though out at this meeting, nor did anyone have the balls to say that to McMahon either. 

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