Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Example Of How Dave Scherer's (Of PWInsider) Lack Of "Knowledge" (Or Ignorance) Comes Into Play

Someone sent me this and wondered if His opinion was correct.

It actually isn't.. And really his logic is quite flawed.. And since proof is always a mother fucker, let me be the mother fucker who shows you proof.

Scherer's opinion is based on the fact he really hasn't sat in on actual booking sessions at any show (Even though in his early days he was kissing the butt of Paul Heyman when Heyman was running ECW). So since Scherer doesn't have any real booking experience, this is just an opinion. But the fact is you don't HAVE to, as he put it "Spend alot of time heating a guy up". One simple match if done correctly, gets the job done.. Proof? Well here you go, I definitely have that.

Ric Flair was great for doing this angle. Where someone local or territory champion like say, Scott Mcghee, Flair puts him down, doesn't consider him up to his level, and in  one match.. Scott pins Flair.. Like in THIS MATCH From Florida, right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gimxUzCBGM

Then there's the time where Flair defended the title again brett Wayne Sawyer in a 2 out of 3 falls match in PNW and Brett pins Flair, right here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s0TR3gAG0Q On commentary in another match between Flair/Sawyer the commentators stated hiw in Seattle Brett held Fair to an hour draw... THAT is how you tell a story to get the guy heat or 'build him up", very simple logic that Dave Scherer either doesn't realize or has chosen to not mention.

It doesn't 'take alot of time' as Scherer would like to think, one angle, one match where the commentators help the angle/story along is all it takes. Simple yet always, effective. But I guess Scherer has had his head stuck in WWE land and way they creative fuck up things that he forgets that simple basic ways are still.. The most effective especially if done right.

I could list more and more and yet even more examples to prove my point. But you get the meaning..Scherer's opinion as usual doesn't carry weight compared to facts.

Now before you keyboard warriors go and say shit like "Why don't YOU tell Scherer this" Or "You don't have the guts to show Scherer this.. THIS, is the end result of the last time IO wrote about Scherer, punked him, and put him in his place. THIS, is the end result cause he nothing to come back with when he was proven wrong.

Also, the same person who sent me  the shot that inspired this story, sent me this as well.

Apparently he wants to hide and not get punked by others so he now has his tweets 'protected' so he can hide behind that instead of being put in his place by people like me, and others who see thru his bullshit.

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