Saturday, August 31, 2019

WWE Network News Admits I'm Correct About "Hidden Gems' Not Really Hidden If They're On YouTube

Well it finally happened.. WWE Network news finally came out on Twitter and admitted i was right.. That Hidden gems can't really be 'hidden' if they can be found on YouTube.. They did try to play it off as well claiming superior version and all that, which totally is another attempt by them to avoid the very point I've been making for months now.. That if it's on YouTube or Dailymotion? it's not 'hidden'.

I mean here's the examples of me showing it, over and over..

And this..

And this..

Let's not forget this one either... :)

And of course, this... The most recent example which finally got WWE Network news to admit I was right..

There's more but you get the idea.. And here's the admission from WWE Network news..

Then they tried this one...


Do the match and it's right at where they're at, 4,000 viewers.. So they kicked themself in the ass with that. 

Nothing more... needs to be said. :)

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