Monday, August 26, 2019

Gotta Love It How Group Owners Act Like Little Bitches. (Updated, And 'Checked' A Dumb Ass, Again)

I found this to be tremendously hysterical. One of the groups I post stuff in, apparently first cut off my ability or post and comment there, WITHOUT EVEN TRYING.. TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES.. THEN, they quietly (In hopes I wouldn't notice, but evidently I have :) ) boot me from the group, AGAIN, not even trying.. to explain themselves

Since proof is, a mother fucker and I'm a mother fucker who always has proof.. I'll supply it here.

Here's the group I'm talking about.

As you can see it says I'm still part of the group in that one. BUT what happened when I looked at my shortcuts and noticed this group wasn't listed? HHMMM This is what happened.

Kinda funny how someone little bitch hiding behind a keyboard thought he was a big man by doing this, and not having any balls to explain themselves.

You didn't think I'd notice that? Dumb ass?

Contact the 'host' or 'owner' of the group? No answer..

That pretty much says it all about little bitches on Facebook, LOL.

Thankfully I have other platforms and there is, FOUR other groups that appreciate everything I post in them.. Guess someone in this group decided they couldn't handle the fact more people looked at what I posted over just about anything else.

If you're gonna boot someone out, at least grow a set of balls and explain why.. Guess that's too much to ask with the current crop of over sensitive pussies walking the planet these days eh?

So Maybe this would be a group that's one to avoid, especially when they pull these kind of weak ass, bitch moves.. Cause only a little bitch.. Would do shit like this. And go ahead and tell him or that group I said it (shrugs) What are they gonna do, act like bitches some more? That's about all they're capable of doing, LMAO!

8-27-19 5:15am...

Well the guy who booted me out finally grew a set of balls and admitted it. But as you're gonna see (cause proof IS, a mother fucker and this mother fucker has the proof) His 'excuse' doesn't add up, at all. And in the end he just made him look even MORE, like a dumb ass.

Here's his little post after finding some balls somewhere.

And now here's.. proof that what he says, is pretty much, bullshit. He claims I posted stuff nobody gave a shit about? HHMMM. Time to prove this ass clown wrong, again.

Well lookie lookie, 87 people cared.. Certainly isn't 'nobody' like the dumb  ass tried to claim. Oh but wait, there's more.

104 people here.. HHMM that look like 'nobody' to you?

But wait, there's still more.

101 people cared enough to look at this, so HHMM. Where's this 'nobody' at? Funny how he makes the claim but the evidence shows he a dumb ass who just kicked himself IN the ass.

Here's my fave.. He claims nobody looks at this blog.. Time to put another nail in this jack ass's claims again, with this..

Yeah, 'nobody' looks at this blog alright, nobody indeed, LMAO!. This is just for today so far so, a whole lot of 'nobody' looking at this blog, LMAO!

Too bad this dumb shit has no clue and is incapable of doing research in his own group to see what an idiot he made of himself with his own statements, because in 90 seconds i just made him look like a complete dumb fuck.. No effort whatsoever to put this guy in check, and put him in his place where he belongs.

And when he found out this story was written, and he saw that I have put his ass in check? THIS, is the bitch move he did as a result, right here, LMAO!

Shows what kind of a bitch ass he really is, he can dish it out but when he gets punked as a result, he can't take it and has to act like a little bitch and block me, hahahahahaa..

Nice to know that dipshits like this roam the earth.. Maybe someone can actually show this guy kevin that he is indeed, a dumb ass. Because I just did, with ease. :)

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