Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dustin Rhodes Says WWE NXT And AEW On Wednesdays Is Not A War, Talks Cody Rhodes Vs. Shawn Spears

Dustin Rhodes recently spoke with Sports Illustrated to discuss Saturday's AEW All Out match between brother Cody Rhodes and Shawn Spears.
Dustin said he won't be at All Out because he's appearing at Dragon Con in Atlanta, but he will be watching.
"I'll be watching this one from afar, and I'll be looking to see if Shawn Spears can make a statement in this match. Cody has nothing to prove and Shawn has everything to prove," Dustin said. He continued, "Shawn Spears is going to find out in the ring that my brother Cody is a tough little son of a b----. He's proven himself since Legacy, and I've watched his career blossom and grow beyond anything I ever hoped for my brother."
Rhodes talked about relating to Spears and how he felt like he wasn't being used as Tye Dillinger in WWE. Dustin felt the same way when WWE wasn't using his Goldust character.
"Shawn must feel like he's uncaged, and I certainly know that feeling," Dustin said. "You feel bitter when you're not utilized the right way. Shawn has that freedom now, so I want to see if he can make a statement against my brother Cody. A match of this caliber needs to stand out, and I know Cody's ready—he beat me like a dog and put an end to the 'Attitude Era.' I think Cody is legitimately going to whoop the dog s--- out of him."
Regarding the upcoming "Wednesday Night War" between WWE NXT and AEW, Rhodes said it's all about AEW putting on a good product, and he doesn't see it as going to war.
"It's all about us putting on a damn good product and giving another option," Rhodes said. "I don't consider us going to war with anybody. I know there will be talk about the ratings, but the focus should be on putting out the best talent we can put out on TNT. It's going to be a lot of fun and, if you're not coming along for the ride, I feel for you."

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