Tuesday, July 2, 2019

WWE Notes

The creative process at Raw last night was no different from any other week, with Vince McMahon being the lead person in charge.  He and Paul Heyman were both at the gorilla position together for much of the show.  While the show had a lot of Paul Heyman fingerprints on it, the end call on everything was still Vince McMahon.

For those who are asking, Maria Kanellis is indeed pregnant, as announced on Raw.  The story that is making the rounds is that Kanellis informed WWE she was expecting again after she and Mike Kanellis signed new deals with the company.   

The belief is that Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows have agreed to terms on new WWE deals but may not have signed them yet.  All signs were that the duo would be exiting this Fall when their current deals expired as they had turned down some lucrative five-year offers from the company.  At the time, those close to the duo had pointed to the creative (well, the lack theorof as they hadn't been used in forever) as a major reason they were looking to exit.  It would appear being placed in a top heel group with AJ Styles may have changed that.  We have not been able to confirm they have actually signed deals.

While Corey Graves teased he was fined on social media today, his "holy sh**" call on commentary was planned and approved.  The comment was not bleeped out in the United States, Canada or Great Britain.  Raw airs on a seven second delay, so the company could have easily bleeped Graves if they felt it was an issue.

Eric Bischoff was not backstage at Raw but will be there tonight for Smackdown in San Antonio.

Rhyno's WWE deal expires on 7/17.

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