Friday, July 19, 2019

WrestlingInc, WWE Get 'Owned' on Not So Hidden 'Hidden Gem'

It's that time again to show how a WWE 'Hidden Gem' is so hidden you can find it right on YouTube. For all the micromanaging they do in WWE they never seem to be able to micromanage this area correctly. Which is why someone like me always gets to put them in their place on it so easily, and so often.

Here's WrestlingInc's report on this ahem.. (cough cough) "Hidden Gem".

Now take a look what happens when one does a search for that same match on YouTube.


Why watch a clip that the WWE released that only lasts a minute when you can watch the WHOLE match, right here?

Yeah, The people over at Wrestlinginc haven't been known for being real smart when it comes to this, and WWE? Well if i can't find this so easily, why couldn't they? The dumb asses.

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