Monday, July 8, 2019

Why Buy A Ticket To Slammiversary When You Can Just "Walk On In, And Have A Seat", LMAO!

You just can't.. Make this shit up, LOL.

I thought this was funny as hell. Is the message here "Tickets. we don't need no stinking tickets to Slammiversary.. Just waltz on in and take a seat".
I had acouple different people message me and one actually called me from the arena..(one from Twitter, Two from Facebook groups I post in) That when they got to the arena, nobody was checking anyone to see if they actually had tickets to the show. Security and arena staff just let people in.
"Gotta fill them seats up ya know.. There's plenty of empty ones so fill em up however you can" must've been the message sent, LOL!
It makes you wonder how people who actually BOUGHT tickets felt when they saw shit like that happening.
"Top Notch" work there, I tell you.. Five star all the way, LMAO!
They had about 700 tickets sold to the event and maybe 1,00 in the building? So HOW MANY people, thanks to the lack of anyone really checking anyone.. Got to see that pay per view live.. FOR FREE? HHMMM..
Hope when they get to Villa Park for Bound For Glory, something's changed and people actually LOOK, to SEE, if people actually HAVE a ticket.
It's a hell of a concept I know, but obviously it's a concept people at Impact Wrestling are having a hard time grasping.

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