Monday, July 1, 2019


Paige did an interview with The Sun in the UK promoting the digital release of "Fighting with My Family."  During the interview, she is asked about managing The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) where she expressed frustration, "If we don’t get used I get really frustrated because we’re a good tag team and we need to be utilized. Sometimes the writers have so much on their plate with everyone else’s storylines, they put things on the backburner. I have to remind them, ‘Ok, but there is a women’s tag team title… I’m like, ‘What the hell dudes? Let’s make something happen. "

She talks about expressing this frustration about creative to Vince and Triple H saying, "It frustrates me but once you actually get to speak with Vince and Hunter about your problems and frustrations, they’re always the first to say, ‘Let’s change this. If you go up to writers it’s like talking to a brick wall sometimes, whereas if you go to Vince and Hunter they’re like, ‘If you have a problem we can change that for you.’

The interview was done before this past weekends live events in Tokyo where The Kabuki Warriors won a future WWE Women's Tag Team Title opportunity.

Paige had this to say about the Kabuki Warriors, "The Kabuki Warriors can be a force to be reckoned with and that was the plan from the beginning... After the match in Tokyo hopefully, we’ll get to build towards a pay-per-view, which gives the girls something to look forward to. So I’m happy we have a boss that really listens to us.”

On her former Absolution stablemates, Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose success on the main roster, and the rumors of a romantic storyline with the duo, "“I’m so proud of them. I truly adore those girls. I had so much fun with them. Each week they work more and they’re so hungry. What more could you hope for in a wrestler? I don’t know creatively where they’re going. I just think they deserve it.

The former Champion states that she can see not being in a creative role for the company "I have to give the writers some credit where it’s due. They have to deal with a lot, they truly do. I would not want to be in their shoes – I don’t want to be in creative. It’s a lot of pressure because you’ve got to make everyone happy all the time. I don’t think I have the patience to deal with everyone screaming at me all the time.”

But Paige definitely sees herself still having a role in the company on camera, "“One way or another I’ll always be a part of WWE, whether it’s in front of the camera or behind the camera. I’d love to do a GM role again. I felt like I really found myself in that role. It really pushed me. Also, I love acting, I truly really love it. Obviously wrestling always will be my first passion but unfortunately, I can’t do that anymore.”

She is also asked which woman on the roster deserves their own movie and whether Vince has seen Fighting with My Family.

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