Monday, July 8, 2019

MLW Notes

Jacob Fatu won the MLW Championship.  That had been the planned direction since this past March when Fatu signed an exclusive deal with the company.  In storyline, CONTRA are outsiders to the company but in reality, Fatu is signed.  Fatu was something of a badass, cool babyface in his bout against Tom Lawlor as the fans in Chicago got behind him with a big “New Champ” chant.

In regard to concern about Teddy Hart, who looked to be injured doing a ladder spot in Chicago over the weekend, he is 100% fine and was just selling, doing a great job of it.

The Kings of Colosseum event over the weekend was another Chicago sellout for the promotion, with the last tickets being sold about 30 minutes after the show began.

For those who have asked how MLW will treat AEW TV when it launches, we are told nothing will change on MLW’s part.  MJF and Jimmy Havoc’s deal allow them to appear on any other wrestling promotion’s TV with the exception of WWE.  There are no plans to stop using the talents because they are also working for AEW, but obviously, if and when their MLW deals expire, they’ll be free to move on if they choose.  The Court Bauer edict has been more opportunities elsewhere for the talents means things are better for everyone.

The Chicago taping over the weekend set the promotion’s merchandise record, which was credited to expanding beyond just selling t-shirts.  At the taping, they were selling autographed LA Park masks, stuffed Teddy Hart plush cats and even Von Erich foam Iron Claws.

There was super high morale after the MLW TV taping over the weekend with the locker room chanting the MLW initials during a post-show meeting, which blew Court Bauer away and really touched him.

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