Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Get A Load Of This Bullshit Claim By WWE.. Someone Please Teach Them How To Lie Better

Get a load of this blatant bullshit.

HHMM, Seems to me Drew McIntyre cut his teeth on the UK scene long before coming to EVOLVE, so that's wrong.

Daniel Bryan wrestled in japan for NOAH and new Japan and if memory serves me (and at least a thousand other people) he cut his teeth, where? OOHHH.. RING OF HONOR. I'm sure I can name several other indie groups he was in BEFORE EVOLVE as well.

These kind of lies are SSOOO easy to punch holes thru, makes you wonder WWE insists on being this stupid

Ricochet? HHMM oh yes.. I guess New Japan, DragonGate, and PWG don't count? OOHH I know why they won't count according to the "WWE Mentality". Unless you have some kind of working agreement WITH.. WWE, they won't acknowledge what is very much, very obvious.

Time to go to lying school WWE, it's obvious you're not very good at it.

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