Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Why I Hate To Engage With Most Fans/Marks Nowadays

Thru the years thanks to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter I've noticed the 'level of conversation' when it comes to fans nowadays really, has alot to be desired. There was a time when having decent conversations with old school fans, or fans of say ECW or SMW would be quite refreshing compared to the Monday Night marks who really don't seem to have much of an attention span, or when it comes to debating something, they all seem to have this same dumb ass mentality or always, they reply the same way.

If you provide proof or facts on something right before their eyes, or present a valid point, they can't or don't want to see it and will try to force feed the fact they weren't proven wrong even though everyone looking at the thread or topic can see, they were proven wrong. You can get a dozen different of these current era fans and they always have the same kind of replies, same kind of dipshit logic and when you call them on something they threaten to do but don't they try to deflect it and make themselves look even more stupid.

I guess it's not my fault that most of the current era fans are just not up to my level of conversation and knowledge. But that's what you have for fans nowadays or so it seems.

I run a group on FB called Wrestlefiends which has 167 members. Fans who aren't all WWE fanboys, guys in and around the the indy part of the business as well as associate producer for The Wrestler and 350 Fays Evan Ginzburg (whose old monthly newsletter Wrestling Then And Now I used to write for. It's a quiet little group but alot of times there's many great conversations on the stuff that's posted there.

But man, go to most other groups, that are flooded with Monday Night Morons and it's a WHOLE DIFFERENT BALLGAME.

I'll show you some examples.

In the other groups unless someone asks me something or wants to chat up on something I posted, I usually don't go further than whatever opinion (sarcastic or otherwise) i throw in as a reply to something. Sometimes it's them replies that bring out the moron in these Monday Night Morons. hence the following example that happened earlier tonight.

I'll let the shots speak for themselves. This one claimed I had 'poor debating skills' yet look at his actions when I run rings around him barely any effort and you can see that my debate skills... Checked him with ease.

At the end of this when he ran out of ammo he reduced himself to spamming the thread with the same reply, over and over and over, and over again.

But I'm the one who had 'poor' debate skills, right? Makes you go, HHHMMMM.

Next we have this one, who tried the NXT vs AEW debate, and as you'll see. his replies become lamer and weaker and when I called him on the very thing he said about McMahon likes fans like me and was checked on how that isn't true? The weak response says it all about how he was put in his place.

Needless to say... When I told him when he got a clue and learned how to use it, then come back and try? His silence after that pretty much says he hasn't yet gotten a clue, LOL. I also showed him a link online where one can watch NXT without the Network. Maybe that enforced his reason to stay silent as well.. Proof is, a motherfucker you know and I'm always a motherfucker who has proof. Which is why I make alot of these Monday night fanboys look like complete idiots without even trying.

Then we have this one here, who tried to convince me that the Dustin vs Cody match at Double Or Nothing was bad because of the blood. It was apparent he didn't see one promo that lead up to and helped build and hype the match. Because had he, he would've saw the emotions that the actual 'story telling' of the reason the match was happening was a good indicator of why blood made the match even better, and why it got over, even more. He kept saying no blood would've made the match better and since guys like Sean Waltman and Booker T had said the same thing I did about the build up and how blood made it more effective. My point was validated. But it was also validated by others who saw a shot of the convo I put in another group as you'll see now.

When this latest clown saw he was getting his ass handed to him with ease by me, what he do? The same thing alot of others do when they get put in their place by me, he ran and blocked me, LMAO!

Unfortunately this is the level of dipshit mentality that resonates in like 98% of the current Monday Night Markdom of fans. And what's even worse? Is that it's not gonna get better, any time soon.

The sooner these idiots realize they're trying to play checkers in a game of chess and figure out debating me is too much of a challenge for them because it strains what little brainpower they have, the sooner they'll come to the conclusion that trying to fuck with me, is just gonna make them look stupid, with a quickness and they should just stay silent.

Unfortunately, a concept like that? Is too difficult for these idiots to grasp. So don't be surprised if I show more examples of dipshit mentality, because when these morons get online, they seem to get dumber, that's just the way it is... And you've seen the proof that it's true. :)

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