Sunday, June 30, 2019

Update On Fan incident Involving Bully Ray At ROH Show

Josh Ketch, who was escorted backstage by head of ring crew Brian Johnson for a lecture from Bully Ray at State of the Art in Portland, Oregon on June 2 after a confrontation with The Allure (Mandy Leon, Velvet Sky, and Angelina Love), tweeted that he had a one hour conference call with a Sinclair HR representative and ROH COO Joe Koff on June 22. Ketch claimed that he had words with Sky and Leon. He claimed that Leon spit on him and pie-faced him at ringside.
Since the incident, several wrestlers have come out and publicly supported Ketch including Colt Cabana and The Young Bucks. Kevin Owens left Ketch front row tickets for Smackdown this past week.
You can see his tweet below:
Sinclair showed concern about the incident. ROH had initially said their investigation would only last 48 hours, but it has now extended to nearly a month of investigation. ROH has yet to comment since they issued a press release saying the investigation would extend beyond the initial 48 hour period they had set.
ROH never released any statement on the investigation they were going to conduct based on Taeler Hendrix’s claims against Jay Lethal last year that he sabotaged her career because she wouldn’t sleep with him. Hopefully the company issues a statement about their findings on the conduct of Bully Ray and The Allure with Ketch at State of the Art in the near future. 

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