Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Scarlett Bordeaux Finally Gets Her Release From Impact. But Killer Kross Remains Imprisoned There

A month after Scarlett Bordeaux requested a release from Impact Wrestling, the promotion issued the following:

IMPACT Wrestling Releases Scarlett Bordeaux

IMPACT Wrestling confirms that it has released Scarlett Bordeaux from her commitments to IMPACT. We wish her every success in her future endeavours

Of course it only took her getting grabbed by a fan on a show she appeared on, representing Impact for this to quickly happen. Instead of actually looking into how they could prevent that from happening again, OR.. Discussing the matter with the company she appeared for on BEHALF of Impact about it after she rightfully bitched about it publicly... Just quickly give her the release they should've given her when she first asked for it. THAT just makes 'oh sssoo much more sense' don't you know. Gotta love Impact's logic and mentality here, the woman they refuse to release gets grabbed by a fan, she embarrasses the company by publicly talking about it and only THEN.. Do they quickly 'find a way' to quickly release her, LOL. 

With Scarlett Bordeaux being granted her release, the natural question that has been asked is whether Killer Kross is receiving one as well.  We have been told by multiple Impact Wrestling sources today that at this point, Kross will not be receiving a release and will continue to work for the company.  There were some in the company unhappy that Petey Williams provided Kross the forum on his podcast to speak out about his issues with the company, specifically since Williams is not just a talent but a Producer.   As previously noted, there's been unhappiness that Kross spoke out at all in the interview.

But hey, why not tell the truth if they're not paying or using you right. If Impact Management is unhappy about what was said, then here's a great idea... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! DUH! I guess that concept is a challenge for Impact management to conceive or grasp. 

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