Monday, June 3, 2019

RING OF HONOR OPENS 'INTERNAL REVIEW' AFTER ALLEGED BULLY RAY SITUATION AT PORTLAND EVENT is reporting that Ring of Honor has opened an internal review of a series of events at last night's live event in Portland, Oregon that led to a fan making accusations that he was brought backstage to be spoken to by Bully Ray in an intimidating manner after an interaction with The Allure, which the fan also alleged members of the group spit at and face-palmed him.

The fan, Josh Ketch, claims that he was brought backstage by security and spoken to by Ray in an intimidating manner, warned not to speak to the women in any way he wouldn't speak to his mother, before being sent back to his ringseat and told "go be a fan."  Ketch claimed that he was merely giving the heels heat during the show and that the situation "soured" him severely on ROH, which was making its debut in the market.  His complete recounting of the events are also on POSTWrestling.

ROH's Greg Gilliland told POSTWrestling: "ROH has always taken fan-first approach, with fan experience being at the forefront of all of our live events. We consider this to be very serious and will be conducting an internal review over the next 48 hours to determine the appropriate actions."

As of this writing, there has been no comment or release of Bully Ray's side of the events.  Some outlets did reach out to Ray earlier today seeking comment, but it is believed he would be flying back from Oregon and has not, as of yet, responded.  Now that ROH has opened a review of the situation, it is not likely he will publicly respond before that is completely, if at all.

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