Sunday, June 16, 2019

Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling- PPW High Voltage Episode 89

This week on a new episode of PPW High Voltage, a special FOUR MATCH EPISODE.. Mantequilla takes on the debuting Whisper. "The Innovator of Silence" tries to make a positive mark on his debut against the man of butter, Mantequilla. Mantequilla comes into this match looking for a solid win that will help him climb up the PPW ladder. Elsewhere, Drew Adams has been a spoiled rich-kid his whole life and has really started acting it in PPW. Adams realizes that his star prize winner Sean Carr nor his bodyguard is with him this month. He gets even worse news as Ryan Race and Undeniable interrupt him. The longest reigning PPW Television champion in company history, Brandon Scott, takes on a man who is rising up the ranks and leaving names behind him in Laszlo. Both men bring a ton of credibility into this one with one man looking to continue climbing the rank, while the other looks to get back to his historic ways in PPW. And in our Main Event, the Punk Rock All Stars take on the Sons of Dogtown. Will Delilah get under the skin of Toasty Tomm and Rembrandt Lewis enough to sneak a win out for her boys, Shaun Cannon and Drake Carter, the Punk Rock All Stars?

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