Sunday, June 9, 2019

Latest Episode Of Why I hate Engaging With Marks/Fans (They Always Say The Same Lame Shit, Every Time)

This was in a group on FB and this moron was cracking on someone else.. I threw myself in knowing... This idiot would take the bait like a fish to worm on a hook. Like a mouse to cheese in a mousetrap.. This idiot would come and try me and fail.. And as predictable as a rerun as most marks of this current era are.. He came.. Then failed, LMAO!

Always the same ol lame attempt at insults, Always go to the 'mom' cracks thinking that's gonna achieve something with me.. Never has and then he tried to say the sister cracks and I had to check him three times on that.. Always sssoo predictable, no matter who it is, always the same ol lameo attempts at insults (yawns).

I've dealt with morons like this on message boards in then 90's, when 'MyYearbook" was once a thing, FB and Twitter now and they always have this same predictable line of insulting. It gets to be too easy for me to run rings around these jack asses. Barely any effort.. if you're gonna try me, try and make it a challenge at least. Lord knows I haven't had one from a mark/fan in years. or better yet, don't even try cause you'll wind up doing what this dumb ass did, which is what all the other jack asses I've checked have done. I'll let the shots here show you how he bitched up when he got his ass, checked.

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