Wednesday, June 5, 2019

(Updated 6-6-19) Dave Meltzer Was Corrected On A Story But Refuses To Correct Himself (Imagine that, LOL)

A few days back I caught Dave Meltzer making a mistake. A claim of his was entirely incorrect and I had proof. He claimed that Tommy Dreamer's House Of Harcore show was the final show being run at the Nashville Fairgrounds.

Now I remember distinctly that Ring Of Honor announced an august date for that very same venue. SSOOO, how is it that Tommy Dreamer's show was the last show there if ROH has announced a show there being the final show? It makes you go, HHMMM.

I'm not bullshitting, here's the screen shots to prove it. First Meltzer in his “Daily Update” and then Ring Of Honor's announcement, right from the ROH web page no less.

Here's the story I wrote about it as well.

I went ahead and sent this tip to Meltzer, and thought maybe he'd thank me for the tip and then make a correction. WWWEELLL. Apparently Meltzer feels he is above correcting himself, or being corrected by others. I'll let the email exchange between he and I speak for themselves.

You would think, if he has enough time to reply and make snarly remarks on Twitter all day long, then he has enough time to correct his own mistake. Evidently making snarly remarks is more important, who would've thought.

And I guess it's no coincidence either that ever since I brought this to his attention, and he knew this story was coming, he's had someone else do the “Daily Updates” on his web page the last couple days.

Makes you go HHHMMMM... HHMMM indeed. :)

Here's an update...

Meltzer replied to me about this but as you can see, he has time to reply back and try to be cute... But he doesn't have time to go and fix his mistake, HHHMMMM.

Updated 6/6/2019 1:20 AM.

And THIS, is what happens when you put Dave Meltzer, in his place. :)

He knew he got punked by me so he took the bitch way out by blocking, LMAO! What a bitch.

6-6-19 $;45 PM

THIS, is what he wrote before, he went ahead and blocked me like a bitch. he wrote this, then blocked me so i couldnt call him one the one very obvious fact he can't see that's right before his very eyes. That everyone else in the world can see.

He keeps making mention of his 'publication' but the fact is, this story started because he made a mistake ON HIS WEB PAGE! NOT, his snail mail or downloadable publication. HOW he isn't seeing this is an amazement to me but I guess he's choosing not to see it, LOL.

Yes, Dave Maltzer, one of the most well known wrestling journalists in the world, is really... This stupid.
6-6-19 9:30PM Update.

Somebody was kind enough to send me this, an email conversation he had with Meltzer himself. Melzer got called out and as you'll see. Meltzer's been quiet ever since he was called out. Apparently Meltzer has time to be on Twitter but doesn't have time to either correct his mistake or, even have a daily update.. Nice to see that being on Twitter is more of a priority for him. :)

And here's proof that he'd rather be on Twitter than work on updating his webpage or correcting his mistake.

He replied seventeen minutes ago.. Isn't it nice to see that doing a daily update isn't as important as being on Twitter? I mean seriously, is it really that difficult to admit he was wrong and give credit to the person who proved him wrong? Apparently, that is a challenge for him, LOL!

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