Monday, June 10, 2019

Dave Meltzer Corrected Himself On The Mistake He Made That I called Him On.... Sort Of...

So Dave Meltzer who was called out for the mistake he made on his own web page concerning the House Of Hardcore show being the last show at the Nashville Fairgrounds (When in fact ROH has them honors) finally did go and correct himself... Sort of.

Here's the stories I did on this right here... and here, which includes email convos between he and I and he and someone else where he's side stepped going on to his web page and correcting himself there.

Since he kept claiming he corrected it in his 'publication' which has nothing to do with the mistake he made on his web page (only Meltzer sees logic in that, and that's obviously the mentality of a mental patient) I contacted a few people I know who get his newsletter thru a subscription. Three people sent me various versions of the following, which comes, from his own June 10th issue of the Wrestling Observer.

This is what he wrote in the June 10 Observer:
"What was billed locally as the last event ever at the Nashville Fairgrounds Sports Arena (although ROH does have an 8/25 date in that building which is actually the last show, and it’s weird because of all the pub in the market and local media stores about it being the farewell event when there’s one to go before they tear the building down) took place on 6/1 for a Tommy Dreamer promoted House of Hardcore show. The show drew 450 fans with the final match of the show being the Rock & Roll Express over SCU of Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian in just 8:38. The crowd took to both teams as babyfaces. SCU put over Nashville, the Fairgrounds and Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson before and after the match. Morton spoke last about the Fairgrounds and growing up in Nashville in a nice closing moment. It was told this was not a great show and the high ticket prices hurt the crowd, but there were some nice nostalgic moments and Eddie Edwards vs. Moose was good. The main event saw both teams go through their usual moves aside from no double dropkick or form of a moonsault by Daniels. Tommy Dreamer lost to Bram in a street fight when Moose interfered and James Storm made the save. Michael St. John, who at one time announced Memphis wrestling, came out for the last match. John Morrison, Taya Valkyrie and Willie Mack all worked in Dallas the night before but there were travel issues and they couldn’t make the show. Dreamer came out before the first match and announced that they wouldn’t be there and offered refunds. They pushed around the idea that in the last match ever at the Fairgrounds, the Rock & Roll Express, a tag team created in the local promotion with Ricky Morton having grown up in Nashville going to matches at the Fairgrounds closing it up. Although in reality, that isn’t the case and it’s whatever ROH puts on top that closes it up."

As you can see, he refuses to give credit to the person who actually corrected him (me). Ever since this came out he's done everything he can do to avoid giving me the proper credit while he credits others for correcting him. (Must be a Meltzerism). If you want to put it into wrestling terms, Meltzer did a Triple H' and refused to put over the guy who put him in his place.

So there you go, Meltzer's lame attempt at redemming himself after 'the little guy' knew more than he did and he refused to acknowledge it.

But that's ok Meltzer, proof is a mother fucker that I put you in check and I'm the mother fucker who'll always have that proof. It'' always be right here.  And you blocking me on Twitter was the best example of showing people you indeed, got checked.

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