Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Upcoming Indy Wrestling Dates

  • Due to circumstances beyond their control, Stardom announced that a Toni Storm vs. Bea Priestley match that was scheduled for May 16 will no longer be taking place: “For the upcoming Korakuen Hall show on May 16, the previously announced match between Toni Storm and Bea Priestley will not take place due to circumstances beyond our control. Thank you for undestanding.” Storm is the NXT UK Women’s Champion, while Priestley is part of AEW.
  • Smash Wrestling announced a partnership with Oriental Wrestling Entertainment: “We are very happy to announce that through recent talks we have entered a partnerships with China’s Oriental Wrestling Entertainment @ORIENTALWRESTL1 that we expect to be mutually beneficial. We look forward to announcing more on this partnership soon!”

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