Monday, May 6, 2019

Triple H 'likes' A Fan's Tweet, Then Goes And 'Unlikes' It, Hoping Nobody Would Catch It

Too late dummy, someone caught it. Too gutless to stand your ground with that like? MMAAYYBBE you know 'daddy' wouldn't approve of it? LOL.

Triple H had fans talking on social media this afternoon when he "liked" a fan tweet that was sent to Vince McMahon on why the WWE ratings might be down, and about how talents should have health insurance.
The fan wrote, "@VinceMcMahon maybe the problem with the Raw and SmackDown ratings isn't due to wrestlers injured, it's that you put confusing and pointless storylines. Although it wouldn't hurt if you gave your wrestlers insurance. Just a thought @StephMcMahon @TripleH @WWE"
Triple H un-liked the tweet within 3 hours of liking it, and it no longer appears under the tab on his account. You can see a screenshot of the "like" on Triple H's page before he un-liked it below..

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