Tuesday, April 23, 2019

WWE Kicks Disabled Fan Out For Wearing A Jim Cornette Shirt (I Can't Make This Shit Up)

The t-shirt that this fan was wearing wasn’t even offensive. True, Cornette has some shirts with profanity on them like his famous “Thank You, F*ck You, Bye” shirt, but this was just the plain Cornette’s surprised expression face.

This fan’s name is Patrick Davis and he is handicapped. He was obviously in a wheelchair as well, but that didn’t stop WWE from kicking him out either.

It didn’t help WWE or make them look good because WWE ejected this fan from the event as he wrote out a brief description of the event along with a picture of him in the arena.. Good going, dumb fucks. If you're going to look like dumb shits, don't do it half ass, just go and do it all the way, eh?

Cornette replied to this saying that he has met the fan and has nothing but good things to say about him. Then Corny took it a step further and even offered to pay for this fan’s ticket for the show he missed out on.

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