Wednesday, April 24, 2019

When An Alleged "WWE Hidden Gem" Is Hidden In Plain Sight On YouTube (LMAO!)

Yes it's been awhile since WWE fucked up on this kind of stuff, but here we are again. The WWE claiming a 'hidden gem' will be added to their network, BUT.. it's ssssooo 'well hidden' you can find it right on YouTube.

I guess they really didn't want to do any real research when it came to this, so here, since proof is a mother fucker and I'm a mother fucker who always has proof? Time to make Meltzer's staff member  JOSEPH CURRIER  (who reported this) and WWE look like dumb fucks once again.

You can go ahead and thank me now.

Here's Currier's reporting of it below.

And OOOHHH LOOKIE LOOKIE, search for it on YouTube and wham! there it is. 

It's only been 'hidden' on YouTube for FIVE FUCKING YEARS, DUMB SHITS!

Here's the link, watch it now before WWE uploaded this 'priceless hidden gem' to their network, LMAO!

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