Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Ethan Page Calls Out AAW For Saying Wrestlers Can't Work For Other Companies

  • Good for him for doing that, They do it all the time on the indy scene here in the states and UK. 
AAW think they're WWE now or something?

Ethan Page called out AAW this afternoon for allegedly telling people they could not work certain promotions including Black Label Pro, Freelance Wrestling and Warrior Wrestling. Page wrote  “Hey. You know it’s okay to wrestle for multiple companies in same city right?  Unless you signed an agreement/contract that states otherwise. Don’t let someone else dictate where you work, unless they’re willing to pay for exclusivity. Own yourself. Don’t sell out for fake hype.” He has given AAW the option of cancelling him for their 5/31 event but will honor the date if they choose not to, saying that he “couldn’t care less working for them at this point”.

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