Saturday, March 9, 2019


At last night's DEFY Wrestling event, former MLW Champion Shane Strickland announced after his match that it was his last appearance for the company as he’s moving on to bigger and better things. He’s basically been the backbone of the company. The whole roster came out and surrounded the ring while the entire crowd sang Shane’s music as a send-off.

 There have been rumblings for some time that WWE has been interested in Strickland (aka Killshot on Lucha Underground) and the belief was that Strickland would start this year in the WWE NXT system.   As previously noted, there was a delay for Strickland due to a contractual concern with his Lucha Underground deal.  Strickland worked for the El Rey Network promotion as Killshot.   Strickland is now free of those contractual issues. 

Strickland has been a regular for Major League Wrestling since its relaunch.  MLW had been preparing for Strickland's departure for months and at one point, he was going to be written out of storylines following the MLW Wargames event over the summer of 2018 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is why the company booked him to be destroyed and carried out without being able to complete the match.  Instead, Strickland returned at the Chicago tapings, playing an angry role where he has come out against the product MLW is producing and the fans who are supporting it, like Bret Hart in WWF in the late 1990s.      He was then written out following a lose to Rush.

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