Thursday, March 21, 2019


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross appeared this afternoon on ESPN's Outside the Lines, discussing his departure from World Wrestling Entertainment at the end of the month as his contract will not be renewed.

Ross was interviewed by Bob Levy and said that he's had a long run with WWE.  He said Vince McMahon and his family have been great to the Ross family.  Ross said the plan is to step away gracefully.

Ross was asked how he felt about others around Vince McMahon who may not be "giving you the opportunities that you need."  Ross said that he felt others might follow the trends of other broadcasters and production companies to go younger and be more mobile.  He said that Hollywood values look and youth and over talent and experience.  He said that sometimes, that might be applicable in his case but he can still carry his own and he hopes that there will be opportunities for him that come around sooner than later.

His WWE exit from 2013 was brought up.  Ross was asked what the difference is between then and now.  Ross said that he was taken out of the game by the Coach in 2013.  He said that's what he was his 2013 exit as, a way to faze him out.  Ross said in 2018, he had two bookings and Vince McMahon took great care of him financially.   He said that he knew the writing was on the wall and it was time to exit as gracefully as possible.

Ross was asked how Vince McMahon responded when Ross told him that he was leaving for good.  Ross said Vince wasn't "overwhelmed" with the decision but understood the possibilities that were out there and that they were "rejuvenating" possibilities for Ross to "get back in the game, get back in the hunt."  Ross said he's not buying into the idea that he's a Medicare guy, an "AARP guy" and therefore he doesn't have anything to provide.  He said he doesn't care about his age and doesn't wear a watch half the time as he doesn't want to know what time it is.    He said he's going to spend every day doing everything he can to the fullest.  He told Vince that if anyone can understand wanting to stay in the game, it's Vince.

Ross said he's had an amazing time working for WWE.  He said that 26 years was an eternity in that world. 
Ross was asked about his favorite moment in WWE.  He said that's a tough one but brought up The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18, The Undertaker vs. Mankind at Hell in a Cell is the most memorable one because that's the one he gets asked about every day.  Ross said it's one of the stories he tells on his stage shows, plugging he will have three shows over the course of Wrestlemania week in NYC.  He tells the story of that night and how he didn't know that was going to happen.  He said that there was never a script handed to him and was never told what to say.

On where he is going next, Ross said that nothing was signed.   He was specifically asked if he was going to AEW.  He responded, "I don't know.  We're talking.  I just haven't signed anything yet.  My people and their people are talking and doing their thing."  He joked that the only agent he knew growing up was a State farm agent.  He said, "They are working on it."  Ross said he'd love to have a radio gig talking college football and would like to do some voiceover work.

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