Wednesday, February 13, 2019

When I Put A Mark In Check On Twitter? They Cry And Snitch, LOL!

Yep, I'm back in Twitter jail again. LOL. It always happens when some mark tries his luck against me, gets checked all over the place on Twitter and then has to be a little snitchy bitch because he couldn't handle getting punked in public.

@ItsMe_TJB is the snitcher. 

I got dragged into a discussion on Impact and after providing valid points on how Pursuit Channel doesn't have the viewers POP TV had, "TJB' tried saying my blog had no viewers (typical yet usual tactic of changing the subject when they no longer have any arguing power thanks to me taking it away from them), And after showing a pic of how many viewers this blog does get.. He reduced himself to trying to insult me, got his ass whacked for it and this is the result of me putting his dumb ass in check.

This is why I hate dealing with most marks, they always react and do the same kind of weal ass shit, and then snitch when they can't handle the fact they got their ass handed to them with ease by me. 

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