Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Random Thoughts, Answers To Acouple Questions And Upcoming Indy Dates, Oh My

SO... DX is going to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year. I know for most WWE fans and marks (there is a difference between the two, believe me) this is a huge thing, and they almost want to declare a national holiday over it. But for me? (Whirls finger) whoopie.

The fact that not one, not two, but THREE members of this stable 'jjjuussstt happen' to be on the current WWE payroll makes it seem JJUUSST, alittle too coincidental. Of course the Meltzer's, Keller's, PWInsider's, etc won't have the balls to mention THAT fact. Things like that are left for guys like me to say because they've shown a well proven pattern of ignoring things like that. But truth is truth, three members of DX are currently getting a paycheck from Vince McMahon, so it's just too easy to go ahead and induct people already on the payroll because then you won't have to put out any extra expense to bring them in for said ceremony. Instead of putting say, an Ivan Koloff, or a British Bulldog or an Owen Hart in there? NNAAA, just give to guys who are currently working in the company instead. God forbid WWE would actually do THAT. What's next, have Shane McMahon inducted in?

WCW was guilty of doing the same thing back in the day when they had a Hall Of Fame. They inducted Dusty Rhodes, who coincidentally was working for WCW at the time as well. I wish I had the column I wrote back then where I slammed them for doing what WWE is doing now because I'd show it right here for all to see. Same stupid shit when really there are legends more deserving to be in this joke of a HOF but instead, just give it to current employees instead. Hell of a mentality they've got going there.

From the looks of things we went from “Super-Cena' to 'Super- Shane'. (yawns). I mean, really. Shane McMahon? Being tougher than the whole roster of the WWE? Nobody with the I.Q. Higher than a door knob buys that bullshit. Hell with this dumb mentality why not have it be 'Super-Shane' that beats Brock Lesner since 'nobody else' seems capable of doing it according to the story lines there. Wouldn't be the first time a McMahon made himself champion. Vince has done it and I'll post acouple pics. He even wore the “Unified” World title that Lawler made famous in Memphis (even though, THAT version was really a version of the old AWA World title). 

If anyone really thinks Shane McMahon is more of a credible wrestler than anyone on the WWE roster, and doesn't think his obvious push was because his father owns the company? Than you're really living inside a bubble of stupidity, really.

Late Sunday night (into Monday Morning) I caught most of the current ROH TV show, as it airs multiple times on the FOX station that Sinclair Broadcasting owns in my area. The first match of KENNY KING vs. FLIP GORDON vs. SHANE TAYLOR vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. RHETT TITUS vs. LUCHASAURUS reminded me right away of why I DON'T watch ROH on a regular basis. It gave me every reason in this first match why a lot of current product rubs me the wrong way (the same way Impact's X Division matches do the same thing). Nothing but an acrobatic contest with no real psychology, and it came down to who can top who on doing a flip onto the other opponents (rolls eyes, yawns). Nothing but flips, flops and high flying shit that told no story to the match whatsoever. AND.. Let's not forget this, the NO SELLING, or LACK... Of 'selling' was among the worst I've ever seen anywhere. On a scale from 1-10 the 'selling' level was pretty much, zero.

Who the fuck taught these guys and forgot the segment on how much 'selling' means something in matches? Seriously.. WWE is the worst at it but now ROH and Impact seem to have this thing that 'selling' for less than 3 seconds seems to be a 'good thing' when really it's a bad thing. Real 'selling' tells MORE of a story within a match, than just 'get right back up like nothing happened' so you can deliver another acrobatic move that's not really convincing.

Saw the same kind of lack of selling in the THE BOUNCERS (Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas) vs. MARCUS KROSS & GRIFF GARRISON match as well. Atrocious om behalf of Garrison and Kross would be an understatement as to how bad they weren't 'selling' things by the much bigger Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas. Truly horrible that the powers that be in ROH really think that this blatant lack of selling really gets over.

Maybe it's me, and because I've had the chance to be around guys who trained wrestlers (Walter 'Killer' Kowlaski, Sylvano Sousa, Dory Funk Jr. and Tom Prichard) who KNOW what selling means in a match. I learned it and know what it means to do 'sell' in matches. By observing and asking questions and being shown the hows and the whys on it. Being around the guys I listed they taught it, they ingrained it into you so you were forced to both learn it, and DO IT, in your matches. When did no-selling become such a great thing I don't know but of course when I ask what the logic is or was behind lack of selling, nobody can ever give me a straight answer on that. Imagine that.

Needless to say after these two matches, I couldn't swallow anymore of this crap and turned the channel. Thankfully reminded why the mainstream products still, sucks ass big time in this country, and why I'll stick to my love for indy wrestling and UK wrestling, where selling still means something.

Acouple people messaged me questions so I'll answer them here.

Didn't Dave Scherer say he was going to 'expose you' (whatever that meant) on his web page, and did he ever do it”?

The short answers to this would be, to question #1? He sure did. Question #2? Sure didn't.

The long answer is, he was told by me and two others to go for it and just like every other time I've ever called his bluff on something, he did the same thing with this as he did the other times. He backed the fuck down. Which shows you what kind of person he, (and Mike Johnson of PWInsider ) really are. All wind but no sail, all talk but no action, all smoke but no fire, pick your cliche'.

Really though, what is he going to expose? The same tired things that for the last four years at least a dozen others have tried and failed with flying colors on, because it didn't get the 'desired effect' they hoped it would? He knew better than to try when I dared him and said “you don't have the balls but go ahead if you really do because I want to see just how stupid you'll look when you try”.

My guess is,. He didn't want to look more stupid than I've already made him look.

Thoughts on AEW? Will they compete with WWE and be competition”?

As I said earlier today to someone on YouTube, I have a wait and see perspective. What's their TV deal? Nobody knows right now. They can 'explain' what the 'vision' is but until we actually see it and see how for one, it's presented, and two, if and how it gets over.. Everything til then is just speculation at this point.

Right now the only wrestlers they have there that garner my interest are Jericho and Omega. So how they present the others will be the test to see if they gain my interest enough to invest further into their product or not. The last time a promotion came out with a ton of blustering hype was Jarrett's GFW, and we all have seen what a joke that wound up becoming (along with, look where Jarrett's at now, back working for WWE). So until a product or show is presented before my very eyes? I'm not gonna say a lot or speculate. I want to see it before I make an opinion on it.

If you had to choose from one federation (even back to when you were younger) to watch because none other was available, which would it be”?

AWA, all the way, every day for the very reason in your question, I was younger and I grew up on it.

And now some upcoming indy dates to round all this out.

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