Sunday, February 17, 2019

PWInsider Fucked Up On A Story (And They Don't Even Realize It, Someone Please Show Them)

You just can't... Make this shit up, you really can't. But this indeed has happened. PWInsider's own Paul Jordon posted a story about how Game Changer Wrestling announced that they're going to promote two shows in Japan come August.

BUT... WHERE... Is the picture that Game Changer posted at? Since I of course am the very guy who says proof IS, a mother fucker and that I AM.. A guy who always has proof. Here's proof that PWInsider's Paul Jordan fucked up. Here's his announcement of the story.

Go and click the link before the the page finishes loading and THIS.. Is what you get.

NOW, AFTER the page finishes loading, Look at what it says.

As of 30 seconds ago, the article is STILL posted on the PWInsider Web page. Maybe someone should go inform them on how their columnist Paul Jordan looks like a total dumb fuck, posting a story that has no pic to back it up. 

It's not my fault that PWInsider seem to go out of their way to make themselves look like dumb asses, but hey.. Stuff like this here sure makes it look obvious that they do have some real dumb asses writing for them.. Feel free to send them a link to this story as well if you want. At least when i post a story, I'll add the correct link and picture to it. So you can again thank me for again.. Making the 'more well known, 'established' news sites, look stupid. It's not my fault they seem to bring it on themselves. :) 

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