Monday, February 4, 2019

Older Posts From My Past When I worked In Wrestling

I went to acouple old Angelfire web pages where I knew I had some older things I posted in the past, and decided to post the links to them here. Especially since some people think they're getting themselves over by flexing their Twitter muscles claiming I never worked in the business and have no understanding of it. Since I love saying that proof is a mother fucker, and I'm a mother fucker who has proof... This always serves as a great reminder to those who flex them Rwitter muscles but really don't, have a clue.

This is an article on an old web page that Evan Ginzburg, associate producer of The Wrestler and 350 Days used to run when he had a monthly newsletter called Wrestling Then And Now. It's about locally promoting my very first show for WWA New England, which was owned by former WWF referee Fred Sparta and would later feature acouple different WWF training Dojos on his shows.

In order to be a promoter you usually have to be a resident of the state you're promoting in (If that state has, a commission like NH does), or a company gets someone who lives in that state to help get the licence so they can run shows in that particular state.  So I had a TON of interaction with the NH State Boxing And Wrestling Commission.

Two months later in the next town of Farmington, NH I locally promoted a show that had, a WWF Training Dojo on it that featured Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle (managed by Dory Funk jr.), William Regal, Walter ' Killer' Kowalski, and more.

Before that was this, How I got my break to work in the business thanks to former WWF wrestler Sylvano Sousa, who owned The Atlantic Wrestling Federation.

Then came the chance to work and be the local promoter for WWA New England.

And after that came the chance to do the same thing and more, for the Eastern Wrestling Alliance (when they were based in Maine).

All three companies gave me a great opportunity to watch the booking process, watch how some matches were laid out, how  4 half hour TV shows (that the EWA did for a station in Portland, Maine) was done, and to gain knowledge by the very people who still train wrestlers to this day like Tom Prichard and Dory Funk jr.  Among others. So while guys like Mike Johnson, Wade Keller, Bruce Mitchell and the at least twenty other sites on Twitter may never had any foot in the door of actually working for a company, I can put guys like Bischoff who's good for saying that writers like myself have no clear understanding of the business in check by showing, I do.. Actually have more than a clue.

Proof is and will always be, a wonderful thing. :)

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