Friday, February 8, 2019

KM Of Impact Wrestling Gets Checked On Twitter, Then Blocks (Showing He's A Hypocrite)

"Big Bad" KM who works for Impact Wrestling Thought he was all that and then some when he poked fun at a fan who 'blocked' him on Twitter.

BUT... What happens when two people call him out on being, as they put it, a "Twitter Tough Guy"? WWWEELL, ol big bad keyboard warrior himself KM, did THE VERY SAME THING he slammed someone else for. He slammed someone for blocking him but after HE gets called out, he makes a weak ass comeback, and THEN.. BLOCKS THEM! Which shows what a fucking jackass KM is. Doing the very same thing he slammed someone else for when they did it to him. Yes, hypocrisy and irony are in plain view here. Here's the proof.

If you're going to insult someone for blocking you, how is it you can justify yourself when you go and do the very same thing you slammed others for when they did it to you? It just makes you look like a bigger moron. If you're going to make fun of someone for blocking you, then don't act like a bitch and block someone else after they put your weak ass in check on that subject. Because you just made yourself look like a complete idiot for doing the very same thing you piked fun at someone else over.

I guess, when KM got his ass handed to him by two others, he had no real defense other than shoot a weak ass come back and then hide behind a block himself. So in the end KM made himself look like a bigger idiot for doing the very same thing. What a dumb ass.

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