Thursday, February 28, 2019

Indy Company Cancels Show because Of Threatening Fan... BUT....

But... From reading these screen shots here? There seems to be more to this than just a 'threatening fan' excuse. Apparently a wrestler for this company engaged in some unprofessional behavior towards another fan (girlfriend of man who wrote reply in screen shots? Yes indeed) and this company (Excellence Professional Wrestling), evidently has looked the other way on this incident and now has taken the complaint about one of their roster members as an 'excuse' to cancel an upcoming show.

Don't look into a serious complaint of unprofessional behavior at a family friendly show and just cancel a show instead of looking into the complaint? HHMMMMM...

And here's from the woman who was accosted herself. 

This is the kind of thing you won't see Meltzer, Keller, Scherer & Johnson at PWInsider or even WrestlingInc cover. I at least AM covering it and have been in contact with the victim who sent me not only the screenshos of what she said, BUT.. Also sent me, THIS.. Letter she sent to Excellence Professional Wrestling over this issue. (Will be getting a letter of their response to what the man in above shots sent them, later today).

This is alot of evidence thrown against Excellence Professional Wrestling, and if they're deleting comments concerning this issue and suddenly 'cancelling' a show in that same area over truly looking into the situation at hand? THAT.. Looks like someone higher up in said company is trying to avoid something here. 

I'm sure someone will contact EPW when they see this story, I wonder how they'll reply, if theye ven do or will try and side step it. More.. just may be revealed but this surely doesn't make an indy company look professional when  they go and cancel a show over looking into a serious allegation on one of their workers. It 'does' make it look like there's something to hide, so if there is, then WHO... Is Hiding it, and why... Makes you go, HHHMMMM.

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